A to Z April: Facing my Fears

April is a queer little month. it can be full on spring with the sun shining, flowers blooming, birds chirping. Or it can be cold, windy, rainy and miserable. But whichever it is, it’s always the month of growth and change. The bare trees suddenly spring to life, providing green backdrop to the endless colours of the flowers. It’s always about change and growth.


As nature grows, I feel this same energy flowing through me too, giving an extra push on my journey to live my life more authentically, more true to myself. Embracing this energy gives me more wins, more opportunities to conquer (or at least to face) my fears, to reach my ultimate goal: to be who I am more unapologetically.


Any another extra push? It’s the blogging challenge of April when participants take a letter of the alphabet and write a post based on it. Having been part of it for a number of years with a number of blogs I can say it’s an amazing opportunity to learn, to get inspired, to connect with others who are similarly passionate about writing. I can maybe even find (or dare I say, inspire) people who are on a similar journey.

What to expect?

Every 7 days I will focus on a specific aspect of my fear, four in total. I will disclose them on day 1 of each cycle. Afterwards you will read about the real-life steps I am taking that I will share either in a video or a photo and a written post mortum. (A little like I’ve been doing with the original list of 52.) I will really expand my limits and venture into the uncomfortable every day. I hope you will join me, just your presence (and of course especially your comments) will give me some boost when I’ll inevitably get to the point of wanting to give up.

Finally, one question

I know we all have fears. If you could get rid of one of your own, which would you choose?


If you’re joining the A to Z challenge, feel free to leave your link so I can visit – I like reading about different topics and points of view, so no limit.

Author: Miss Andi

Learning to be unapologetically me but healthier. Shamelessly personifying my dog, Mia, who is my soulmate, though doesn't let me read as much as I used to. One day I'll finish a novel that will not save the world - but might make it smile.

14 thoughts on “A to Z April: Facing my Fears”

  1. Fabulous! Love that you are so ahead in your journey. Looking forward to reading. Good luck 🙂

    Am participating in the challenge and writing on clean eating and fitness. Do drop by if u can!
    And good luck 🙂


  2. Hello Miss Andi. I will admit I am not as free with self-discovery as you. I mean that as a compliment. It is good you can dig into this in such a way.

    My challenge will be focused on a new novel concept I am going to dive into come 2017 NaNoWriMo. It is a historical fiction about three Civil War veterans who head west in 1866 to seek their fortune. Along the way they meet a beautiful redhead trying to save her family’s timber and lumber business.

    Joe @ the Fiction Playground visiting from the A to Z Challenge


  3. Facing the dreaded fear…eye to eye…that needs a lot of courage and only a person of substance can do so! You sure are a trendsetter…Look forward to read your posts to learn better way to live life equitably!


  4. Are you ready for this? It’s almost go time! This is probably a theme/topic I would not be able to convince myself to do lol Kudos to you for going this route and I’m very intrigued to learning more about you in the process of this challenge!


  5. Thanks for stopping by.

    Good luck with facing your fears. I wish you the best of luck. Even if you don’t succeed at all of it, even just trying is a good thing.
    One of my regular fears? Spiders.
    One of my psyche fears? Being laughed at.


    1. Oh I can relate to both!! I’ve been working on the spider thing for years if not decades and I have to say, it’s gotten better: last weekend I was able to flick one away with my bare fingers! 😲 thanks for your visit!


Let's talk about this